
“Got There: An Indefinite Series of Rivers Ending at Our Feet” and “Got There: A Common Definition of Beauty” have both been accepted for publication by COMP.


“Got There: Absence is Presence”, “Got There: The Rate is Flat”, “Got There: I Dreamed of Me & You”, “Got There: The Symmetry of Being Alone”, “Got There: Mournful “, and “Got There: Lands” have all been accepted for publication by Eunoia.


“The Museum is Free on Sundays”, “a poem for my friend steve kowalski days before his first child is born”, and “Emily as the Free Play of Beauty” have all been accepted for publication by diode.


Emily as a Blue Jay at First Light, Emily as the River Other Rivers Talk About, and And Then I Was a Woman on a Motorcycle Repeating the Same Phrase I Did When I Was a Man on a Train have all been accepted for publication by Cactifur.